- Water bottle with name
- Healthy and dry snacks in front pocket
- Take Home folder (please make sure it is emptied out at home)
Job 1: Silent final e jumps over the consonant and makes the vowel say its name.
Job 2: English words don't end in u or v.
Job 3: c and g will say their second sound.
Job 4: Every syllable needs a vowel.
Job 5: No job (silent final e does not do anything, it just has to be there).
rule 4: Vowels say their name at the end of a syllable
rule 5: I and y may say /i/ (si lent, my)
rule 6: y, not i, is used at the end of an English word. (try, fly)
rule 8: /er/ can be found in "Her first nurse works early".
rule 9: 1-1-1 rule: One syllable words with one vowel followed by one consonant need to double its last consonant before adding an ending beginning with a vowel. (hop + p + ed)
rule 11: Words ending with a silent final e are written without the e when adding a vowel ending. (come - com + ing)
rule 13: sh is used at the beginning or end of a base word
rule 17: Double f, l, s after a single vowel that says its short sound
rule 18: "ay" is used to say a at the end of a base word
rule 19: i and o will say their name if followed by two consonants
rule 20: s never follows x.
rule 25: ck is used after a single vowel that says its short sound.
rock, back, neck
rule 26: Capitalize proper nouns.
rule 27: Words beginning with the sound /z/ are always spelled with z never s. (zoo)
rule 28: ed has three sounds and is added to form the past tense of regular verbs.
rule 29: divide words between double consonants
- Never leave 'til tomorrow what you can do today.
- The more the merrier.
- Land of Nod
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
- Sour grapes
- Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.
- It could always be worse.
- Let the cat out of the bag.
- Wolf in sheep's clothing
- Practice makes perfect.
- If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
- Fish out of water
The annual parent survey went out via email to families on February 17th. The survey helps us know what we are doing well and what we can improve. The grade level with the highest participation percentage will win an extra 30-minute recess and popsicles. The survey will be open until March 4th. Thank you for your participation.