12 / 20 / 2024

Important Dates and Reminders:

- December 20 to Jan 7th - Winter break
- January 6th and 7th - Winter conferences by invitation only
- January 8th - Students return to school / Half day / No clubs
- January 8th - Animal Reports are due

Math: Students started the unit on length.

History:  Students started learning about the Early Exploration of the Americas this week. They learned about the explorer, Christopher Columbus, as well as the other conquistadors who conquered the land of the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas, or the Early Americas.  

Science: We finished the second quarter with an experiment on candy canes. We had a cup of Sprite, a cup of cold water, and a cup of vinegar. We looked at 5 - 10 minute intervals to see what was happening to our candy canes. We were experimenting on which one dissolved the fastest.

Literature: Students read The Fir Tree story by Hans Christian Andersen and colored their own Christmas Tree.

Have a safe and restful break!

1st Grade Teachers