11 / 8 / 2024

Image result for endangered and extinct


  • Students need to bring a water bottle with name on a daily basis for proper hydration! 
  • Happy Veteran's Day Weekend! We are grateful to those who served our country!


  • Monday, November 11 - NO SCHOOL (Veteran's Day)
  • Saturday, November 23 - Medieval Faire (11:00am-2:00pm)
  • Tuesday, November 26 - Field Trip at the Phoenix Zoo (we need 10 parent chaperones for each class)
  • November 27 to 29 - Thanksgiving Break
  • December 11 - Winter Concert
  • December 16 - submit animal written report and poster board (optional)
  • December 17-19 Half-Day 12:30 Dismissal 
  • December 20 - January 7 -  No School: Winter Break
  • January 7 & 8 - Parent Teacher Conferences - by invitation only
  • January 8 (half-day) - Animal Report due


1. Please double check your child's uniform to make sure they still have the right length.

2. The scholars should bring the following daily:
  • Water bottle with name
  • Healthy and dry snacks in front pocket
  • Take Home folder (please make sure scholars empty it at home)

3. Please review the Driveline procedure here: directionsforparentsdrivelin.docx We have also attached the file in the resources on the right side of this webpage.


 ðŸ“• LITERATURE / GRAMMAR: This week, we read more folktales: a Mexican tale about the Little Half Chick or "Medio Polito" from Mexico, a Native American Tale "Why the Owl Has Big Eyes", the Jewish tale "It Could Always be Worse / Too Much Noise", and "The Boy at the Dike" from the Netherlands.




October's Party

by George Cooper (Stanza 1 only)

October gave a party;

The leaves by hundreds came

The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,

And leaves of every name.

The Sunshine spread a carpet,

And everything was grand,

Miss Weather led the dancing

Professor Wind the band. 


Rope Rhyme

by Eloise Greenfield 

Get set, ready now, jump right in                      

Bounce and kick and giggle and spin

Listen to the rope when it hits the ground        

Listen to that clappedy-slappedy sound           

Jump right up when it tells you to                    

Come back down, whatever you do                   

Count to a hundred, count by ten                     

Start to count all over again

That’s what jumping is all about                         

Get set, ready now,





  • Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. 
  • It could always be worse. 
  • Let the cat out of the bag. 
  • Wolf in sheep's clothing   
  • Practice makes perfect.
  • If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
  • Fish out of water

📕 READING: Thank you to our parent reading volunteers! We still have slots for the month. We need volunteers every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 12:30-1:00. Check your teacher's page on top for the reading volunteer signup. 

Sight Word Bookmarks will be on a ring in your child's reading bag or in a binder sleeve. We will be testing for sight word knowledge once a week. During this time, we will be moving students to the next sight word list if they have mastered the previous one. (Please do not mark off sight words at home- we will do this in class). 

📕 SPALDING: Continue practicing at home the phonograms they haven't mastered yet. Check out the Spalding resources on this website to review letter formations, spelling/Spalding rules and phonogram list.


       Jobs of silent final e:

                Job 1: Silent final e jumps over the consonant and makes the vowel say its name.

                Job 2: English words don't end in u or v.

                Job 3: c and g will say their second sound.

                Job 4: Every syllable needs a vowel.

                Job 5: No job (silent final e does not do anything, it just has to be there).


         rule 4: Vowels say their name at the end of a syllable

                  rule 17: Double f, l, s after a single vowel that says its short sound 

rule 18: "ay" is used to say a at the end of a base word 

rule 19: i and o will say their name if followed by two consonants

         rule 25:  ck is used after a single vowel that says its short sound.



rock, back, neck

                      Rule 28: ed has three sounds and is added to form the past tense of regular verbs.


rule 26:  Capitalize proper nouns. 

rule 29:  divide words between double consonants

ap ple

lit tle


Students will practice at home the phonograms they haven't mastered yet. Check out the Spalding resources on this website to review letter formations, spelling/Spalding rules and phonogram list.

📕 MATHEMATICS: The students learned the different ways to subtract. Here are some video resources to help you how we teach it in class:

📕 HISTORY: This week, we talked about the Aztecs and the Incas. We learned how their civilization began (ask your child if they remember why the Mexico flag has that eagle on their logo.) The students also took home the sundials they created, which reminds us how they had their own calendar. We also made a craft of the Machu Pichu of the Incas.

📕 SCIENCE:   We are still studying about the human body! Students discussed and reviewed the skeletal system, and discovered a little more about our muscles in our body.

1st Grade Teachers