9 / 6 / 2024


Students will have an opportunity to visit the school library with their class throughout the school year. Each student has a library card which is stored in their classroom. Students are responsible for the proper care and safe return of all items borrowed. Parents/guardians are responsible for overdue, lost or damaged materials. Students may checkout a maximum of 1 book at a time and must return materials within 14 days of checkout. Books may be returned to the classroom or the library.


  • Friday, September 6th - start of Reading Bags (leveled reader and sight words)
  • Monday, September 9th - start of Reading volunteers
  • Friday, September 20th - 
    Early dismissal at 12:30 (Teacher In-Service)
  • Friday, September 27th - Early dismissal at 12:30
  • September 30th - October 8th - No school (FALL BREAK)
  • Monday-Tuesday, October 7th-8th - Parent Teacher Conferences


1. The scholars should bring the following daily:
  • Water bottle with name
  • Healthy and dry snacks in front pocket
  • Take Home folder (please make sure scholars empty it at home)

2. Bring the following if you haven't yet:

3. Please review the Driveline procedure here: directionsforparentsdrivelin.docx We have also attached the file in the resources on the right side of this webpage.


📕 LITERATURE / GRAMMAR: We started our series on The House at Pooh's Corner. Ask your children to retell what they remember about the stories and what they think about the characters.




  • If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
  • Fish out of water



Work (Work While You Work) 

by Anonymous   

Work while you work,

Play while you play,

This is the way 

To be happy each day.

All that you do,

Do with your might,

Things done by half 

Are never done right.

Hearts Are Like Doors 

by Anonymous 

Hearts, like doors, will open with ease,

To very, very little keys,

And don't forget that two of these

Are "Thank you, sir" and "If you please!"

Don’t Worry if Your Job is Small (Mighty Oak)

by Anonymous

Don't worry if your job is small, 

And your rewards are few. 

Remember that the mighty oak, 

Was once a nut like you.




by Langston Hughes

Sometimes when I’m lonely,

Don’t know why,

Keep thinkin’ I won’t be lonely

By and by.

📕 READING: We will welcome parent volunteers for Reading on Sept. 9th. Use your teacher's sign-up to volunteer to read with the students (see link in your teacher's page on top). 

         Reading Homework with reading bags and Reading Logs will start in two weeks. Please        spend 20 minutes each night reading with your child, and fill out the Reading Log. This includes sight words practice. 

Sight Word Bookmarks will be on a ring in your child's reading bag or in a binder sleeve. We will be testing for sight word knowledge once a week. During this time, we will be moving students to the next sight word list if they have mastered the previous one. (Please do not mark off sight words at home- we will do this in class). 

📕 SPALDING: We introduced phonograms 46-56 this week, and the first three spelling lists. Students will practice at home the phonograms they haven't mastered yet. Check out the Spalding resources on this website to review letter formations, spelling/Spalding rules and phonogram list.


We practiced jobs of silent final e:

                Job 1: Silent final e jumps over the consonant and makes the vowel say its name.

                Job 2: English words don't end in u or v.

                Job 3: c and g will say their second sound.

                Job 4: Every syllable needs a vowel.

                Job 5: No job (silent final e does not do anything, it just has to be there).


         rule 4: Vowels say their name at the end of a syllable

rule 17: Double f, l, s after a single vowel that says its short sound 

rule 19: i and o will say their name if followed by two consonants

📕 MATHEMATICS: Students have been practicing addition facts 0-3 and different ways to add. We learned how to use numbers bonds in solving addition problems. . They also learned how to write an addition equation, switch the addends, and count on to solve an addition equation. 


📕 HISTORY: We have continued our journey into the ancient world of Mesopotamia. In class, we learned about King Hammurabi and his code. We made our own classroom code that we kept in our room. We also discussed the importance of kings and queens during their time, and created our class Gate of Ishtar.


📕 SCIENCE: Students recognized how Thomas Edison shaped our nation and learned about some of his inventions. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Students learned some scientific words and label the different parts of the light bulb. On Friday, students finished their Thomas Edison's Foldable.

1st Grade Team 
